Katelyn King Katelyn King


“The reason I take photographs is to communicate what I feel needs to be seen, understood, and/or respected.”

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Katelyn King Katelyn King


You can make a lot more than just lemonade out of lemons. 

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Katelyn King Katelyn King


Ugly’s Prologue

Prologue from “RIOTS”, a photo series documenting the uprisings for racial justice during the summer and fall of 2020 in Washington, DC.

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The Lost Files
Katelyn King Katelyn King

The Lost Files

The bane of any digital artist's existence is destroyed or lost/stolen hard drives. That of which I've unfortunately experienced on several occasions. As a result, I've lost all of my files from 2008 to 2020 apart from the 100 landscape photos I'd uploaded on an old website of mine. Over a decade of work and thousands of files - gone. These landscapes are the only print-quality photos I was able to recover from 2015 - 2020.

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