Early June 2020 a group of activists were given permission by St. Johns Church on H St. to occupy the space outside the church. One day MPD decided to aggressively remove everyone regardless of permissions - no matter how they tried to reason. Protestors were violently attacked and displaced from their personal belongings, protective and first aid gear, free food and water for the community, donated grills, etc. As police cleared the area of activists, they instructed city garbage collection to trash all of the activist's belongings, donations, food, and first aid supplies.
After MPD cleared the street, an activist who managed to grab their bike in time, followed the dump truck and found where most of the items were dumped.
This photo was taken at the dumpster where activists attempted to recover what they could. Several activists had fallen asleep as it was after 48 hours of protesting and being terrorized by MPD. Throughout the protests of 2020, which lasted from late May through November, there was always sage and other incense burning despite the chaos.
The more valuable personal items including phones, laptops, hard drives, bikes, backpacks, clothes, etc. that were confiscated were unfortunately never found or recovered.
Early June 2020 a group of activists were given permission by St. Johns Church on H St. to occupy the space outside the church. One day MPD decided to aggressively remove everyone regardless of permissions - no matter how they tried to reason. Protestors were violently attacked and displaced from their personal belongings, protective and first aid gear, free food and water for the community, donated grills, etc. As police cleared the area of activists, they instructed city garbage collection to trash all of the activist's belongings, donations, food, and first aid supplies.
After MPD cleared the street, an activist who managed to grab their bike in time, followed the dump truck and found where most of the items were dumped.
This photo was taken at the dumpster where activists attempted to recover what they could. Several activists had fallen asleep as it was after 48 hours of protesting and being terrorized by MPD. Throughout the protests of 2020, which lasted from late May through November, there was always sage and other incense burning despite the chaos.
The more valuable personal items including phones, laptops, hard drives, bikes, backpacks, clothes, etc. that were confiscated were unfortunately never found or recovered.
Early June 2020 a group of activists were given permission by St. Johns Church on H St. to occupy the space outside the church. One day MPD decided to aggressively remove everyone regardless of permissions - no matter how they tried to reason. Protestors were violently attacked and displaced from their personal belongings, protective and first aid gear, free food and water for the community, donated grills, etc. As police cleared the area of activists, they instructed city garbage collection to trash all of the activist's belongings, donations, food, and first aid supplies.
After MPD cleared the street, an activist who managed to grab their bike in time, followed the dump truck and found where most of the items were dumped.
This photo was taken at the dumpster where activists attempted to recover what they could. Several activists had fallen asleep as it was after 48 hours of protesting and being terrorized by MPD. Throughout the protests of 2020, which lasted from late May through November, there was always sage and other incense burning despite the chaos.
The more valuable personal items including phones, laptops, hard drives, bikes, backpacks, clothes, etc. that were confiscated were unfortunately never found or recovered.